Individual therapy*

This form of systemic therapy works with clients when they would like to improve the family´s atmosphere but the family members are far away or they do not show any interest for the therapy.

Working with individuals means to clarify that the conflicts remain do to the interpretation we give to different behaviors and the experience that fallows. From the point of view of the systemic therapy we concentrate in the relationships to other significant persons, who influence our present and past. We also look into the family of origin, the relation individuals establish with the society and the development of the own personality and the therapeutic relation.

The narrative of the person is the basis of this work. Nevertheless we use different methods and therapeutic tools which help to bring the perspective of the significant others into the therapeutic setting. Among these tools I can mention the circular questions, clearing of family contracts, context of the problem, hypothetic improvement and worsening questions, closing commentaries and role reflection. The different social systems in which a person participates can be visualized using methods such as time line and genogram.

* According to von Schlippe and Schweitzer


A client’s genogram